Training on Coffee Orchard Management to Extension Service Provider

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Training on Coffee Orchard Management to Extension Service Provider


13th - 19th September, 2017

A seven days training on Coffee production and processing was organized for 10 extension service providers (ESP) from Kaski and Syangja districts of Western Nepal at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Lumle, Kaski. The training mainly focused on Orchard management, disease management, primary processing, marketing, supply chain and expansion of coffee orchards with marketing opportunities. The main objective of the training was to enhance the capacity of extension workers on coffee production by delivering required knowledge and skills for adequate and efficient service delivery in the rural areas as a frontline support to the farmers.

Major highlights of ESP training events:

  1. Preparation and uses of Jholmal in coffee Farming
  2. Training and pruning in coffee orchard
  3. Practice on preparation of Bordo pest and Bordo mixture
  4. Disease identification and management

Post-Training Note
Till date, Coffee grower farmers as well as cooperative are unorganized and do not possess the capacity, skills and confidence to benefit from the coffee business. They need to be mobilized, capacitated and organized .All stake holder who were involved in that training had expressed their commitment to play supportive role for ESPS s to generate confidence and collective strength among coffee growing farmers in the days to come.