CEAPRED Knowledge Bank is an initiative taken by Center for Environmental and Agricultural Research, Extension and Development (CEAPRED) under the partial financial support of International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) through International Center for Integrated Development (ICIMOD) to disseminate the knowledge developed by the organization through participatory action research and/or proven through the good practices tested and validated in farmer’s fields over the years. It functions as a centralized repository for information. Being information technology (IT) based, it is a portable resource for the dissemination of information, generally online or with the capacity to be put online. This Knowledge Bank becomes an integral component of knowledge management systems, which will optimize information collection, data collection, and saving time. Obviously, knowledge bank is not a static collection of information, but a dynamic resource that may itself have the capacity to learn, as part of an artificial intelligence.
This page includes information mainly related to fresh vegetable production (including main-season and off-season production), vegetable seed production, post harvest technology for vegetable seed, indigenous knowledge (IK), value chain with focus on fresh vegetable and vegetable seed, and recommended and/or registered and deregistered crop varieties in Nepal. It also focuses on the cross cutting areas: climate change and gender equity and social inclusion as an integral part of the site. The Bank is believed to be a valuable source of knowledge for agriculture related technicians, organizations and practitioners.
Here is the list.