Exposure visit to India for CSV farmers

CEAPRED has been piloting Climate Smart Village concept under Himalayan Climate Change Adaptation Program (HICAP) in partnership with ICIMOD. An one week long exposure visit to Samastipur and Vaishali districts of India was organized for three project staff and 12 farmers (7 women and 5 men) from the pilot sites. The farmers of Mahadevsthan, Nayagaun and Patalekhet VDCs of Kavre district participated in the visit. The team observed and learnt about the climate change adaptation practices in Borlaug Institute of South Asia (BISA) farm and Climate Smart Villages (CSV) sites of Samastipur, India. They learned about water smart practices (direct seeded rice, maize based system, raised beds and precision land leveling), nutrient smart technologies (site specific nutrient management (SSNM), legume integration green seeker, nutrient expert decision support tool for maize and wheat), carbon smart technologies (zero-tillage and residue management, energy smart technologies (zero-tillage, residue management and directly seeded rice, weather smart interventions (weather forecast, index based insurance, seeds for needs, crop diversification and agro forestry) and knowledge smart intervention (ICTs, gender empowerment and capacity development). In addition, the team also learnt different cropping patterns (Rice-Wheat-Green gram, Maize-Wheat - Green gram, Soybean - Green gram - Wheat, Soybean - Maize, Rice - Wheat, Green gram – Bean - Green gram, Maize – Chickpea - Green gram) practiced in CSV sites. In BISA farm, the team learned about benefits of different machineries for climate smart agricultural practices. They leant about combos turbo seeder/happy seeder, multi crop planter machine, thresher, punch planter, bed shaper, clincher, lesser land leveler, residue cutter, maize sheller, dish machine, combine harvester, zero tillage machine and plot planter.